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College-to-Career Transition


Transition Program

The transition from free-spirited college student to professional in the workforce can be exciting and yet stressful.  Special Operations Warrior Foundation offers eligible students with a College-to-Career Transition Program designed to help prepare students for the transition into the workforce. SOWF offers coaching for rising college Sophomores through two years post-graduation students into their self-defined vision of their ideal career, life, and future. 

The SOWF College to Career Transition Program (CTC) is the final element for accomplishing the Foundation’s number one goal: ensuring student success. After initially preparing students to participate and enjoy their college experience, CTC prepares students for a strong finish by preparing them to launch from the college experience onto the landing pad of life.

Comprehensively, CTC enables interested students to participate in career shadowing, internships, study abroad, and finding the right mentor for their career. Each of these opportunities ensures the student builds a strong professional network or community of support for their next venture, whether it is entering a career or pursuing graduate school.

Special Operations Warrior Foundation hosted its inaugural Strong Finish Optimization Conference in 2021 for college students transitioning into a career, graduate school, and life. Participants learned from experts about the importance of personal branding, networking, tips for resume writing, personal budgeting, developing a roadmap, and personal vision.

SOWF college graduates are readied to launch, soaring into their desired, self-defined, and achievable future.

Student Success

We prepare, empower, and ensure SOWF student success and career readiness early in the student’s college journey through…

Did you know?

A recent study indicates that 57% of students with internships received at least one job offer as compared to 43% of graduating seniors without internships.