In recognition of the faithful and loving support of spouses of Special Operations Personnel, SOWF has expanded eligibility for educational programs and services to include children of active SOF Personnel who lose their spouse (non-military or dual military), dating back to September 1, 2018. Their children will now receive the same “cradle-to-career” (preschool – college) benefits as all other children in SOWF’s educational programs.
We invite you to hear a very unique testimonial from married couple Alyssa Gavulic Howk and SGM Luis Howk, whose blended children are some of the first to participate in our new “Spouse” program.
Alyssa Gavulic Howk is the surviving spouse of U.S. Air Force Master Sergeant Joshua Gavulic, who lost his life in 2014 while serving with the 17th Special Tactics Squadron.
US Army Sergeant Major Luis Howk was serving with the 7th Special Forces Group in 2021 when he lost his wife, Sydney Howk. Luis retired from the US Army on May 28, 2022.
Tragic circumstances led to a fresh start for each, together.