VFW Post 11367 Harley Davidson Raffle
Join us on September 17, 2022, for the VFW 2022 Harley Davidson Raffle! $100 buys you one of 560 tickets. Tickets include dinner for two – with drinks & door prizes. Social hour begins at 5:30 pm, with dinner and programming going on from 6:00 – 9:00 pm.
**Please not** You don’t have to be present to win the 1975 Harley-Davidson FLH Electra Glide & you don’t have to be present to support our kids!
Tickets Available– Veterans of Foreign Wars 11367 “Spectre Post” daily 1:00 – 7:00 pm 850-581-0479, Emerald Coast Harley Davidson, or contact Steve Connelly at 850-420-3688 by phone or text.