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Become A Member Of
The Eagle Claw Society
SOWF Eagle Claw Society recognizes and honors individuals who have included the Special Operations Warrior Foundation in their estate plans through a bequest or planned gift.

By joining the Eagle Claw Society, donors commit to leaving a legacy of support through planned giving arrangements such as bequests, trusts, life insurance policies, retirement plans, or other forms of deferred gifts. These planned gifts provide crucial long-term financial stability to SOWF, ensuring that the organization can continue its mission of providing educational scholarships to the children of fallen and wounded Special Operations personnel.

How to Join

Including the Special Operations Warrior Foundation in your estate plans is a straight forward process. You can make a bequest by:

  • Designating a specific dollar amount or percentage of your estate.
  • Naming SOWF as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or retirement account.
  • Establishing a charitable trust or annuity that benefits SOWF.

Member Benefits

As a member of the SOWF Eagle Claw Society, you will receive:

  • A commemorative Eagle Claw Society pin.
  • A framed Certificate of Appreciation.
  • Quarterly updates about the Foundation’s programs, services, and accomplishments.
  • SOWF Annual Report.
  • Your name listed as a member of the Eagle Claw Society (with your permission), prominently displayed at SOWF headquarters in Tampa, FL.
  • The satisfaction of knowing that your legacy will positively impact the lives of Special Operations personnel and their families for years to come.

Join the mission

I accept membership into the Eagle Claw Society. 

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Have Questions?

For more information on the Eagle Claw Society please contact Kelly Becker at, or via telephone at (813) 805-9400 ext. 309.

"Thank you so much for your help and generosity during the college search and application process. Because of you we don't have to worry about a major stressor for many students. We appreciate you!"
Grace Lewis is the daughter of Petty Officer First Class Jason Lewis KIA in Iraq in 2007 while serving with SEAL Team 10